Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Online dating, L.A. Style

Actually, there is no L.A. style. Despite the larger number of people involved, online dating in L.A. is most likely the same experience as online dating in Your Town, U.S.A. As before, I've met a couple of great guys, so it's been worth the hassle and price, but overall it's a disappointingly ineffective experience. Considering I'm also in the market for a job, this probably wasn't the best time to try it out. It's been brutal wading in both pools at the same time. I had read that professional men feel there is a dearth of stable women here; another myth busted. Although perhaps I am flattering myself as "stable."

I guess there was a lazy appeal to the online dating. I'm daunted by the L.A. sprawl, and my time is limited now that I'm working, so it seemed easiest just to make connections by a computer. Especially since I'm in front of one most of the day.

Before I left Austin I sold a lot of items on Craigslist. I got a feel early on for the desirability of an item-- my acoustic guitar generated a lot of immediate responses, while my tennis rackets, though nice and cheap, sat out there for weeks. My ostrich egg only generated one interested response from a long-distance buyer.

Let's just say I'm feeling somewhere between a tennis racket and an ostrich egg...

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