Monday, February 26, 2007

The Commitmentphobic Temp

I temped at a one day gig at a hip advertising agency in Santa Monica today. They wanted me to stay on for a longer term temp assignment, but I turned it down. Tough decision, as I could have created a career path there, and most of the staff was around my age. I don't think I want to drive to Santa Monica every day though. It only took 40-45 minutes, less than I expected, but I think that would get tiring over the long haul.

Also, I've really warmed to the idea of getting exposed to L.A. through temping, and now I'm reluctant to tie myself down to one workplace. I need to get over the insomnia attack that hits me every night before starting a new job though. And, unfortunately, this city is too expensive for me not to commit to a full time job within the next few months.

This past weekend I went on dates with men who have worked in the entertainment agency through temping. One got his temp job by going directly to a studio that has it's own in-house temp agency. I should look into that. Another used my first temp agency and was placed immediately at a studio, where he has worked ever since. *Sigh.*

But now I'm even wavering on my commitment to work in entertainment...

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