Thursday, June 28, 2007

Part-Time Lover of Life

The library system I interviewed with yesterday conducts interviews every six months with different configurations of jobs each time. This time around, if I want to work in adult services (and I don't think I want to revisit children's librarianship), I will most likely be offered something part-time.

I was really looking forward to building my bank account back up and being able to go to the doctor again, but at the same time, a part-time job sounds dreamy, especially now that I'm feeling old and cranky. My fear is that I wouldn't ever want to go back to full-time work! I would have to give up my car to work part-time indefinitely.

I could possibly supplement the job by picking up extra hours at the library or finding some interesting side work. It could be an ideal situation. At least I could rest easy that my basic bills would get paid.

If they don't offer me anything, I may be back to working full time in an office for what amounts to little more than a part time salary. That'll be depressing.

One of the women at the design company where I'm working temped around for years while trying to become an actress. She would run to auditions during her lunch hour but said the traffic in L.A. would no longer allow for that. She had resisted working in an office most of her life and turned down all the offers she received while temping, but she now runs this office with her partner, who owns the business.

They just hired another woman who is originally from France. She stayed home for three years with her baby and loved it. She said she doesn't understand women who complain about being home with the kids, as she read books while the baby slept and met friends every day for lunch. Sounds nice...

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