Friday, July 20, 2007

The Whole Tree Huggin' Business

Finished the "fashion industry" job today. I will never look at those organic cotton clothes in Whole Earth the same way again, now that I have painstakingly applied "distressed" tags bearing "leaves" to similar garments. I don't think I sat down for more than thirty minutes today, and I had to put in overtime as we raced to the deadline. Steaming, folding, labelling, tagging. The fabric requires such gentle care that I can't help but think the Revolution could use a little poly blend.

This job was second in strenuousness to the gig at the "New Age" school, located just up the road.

I will say that some interesting characters work there-- not your typical tree huggers. Or are they? There was an Alan Arkin lookalike in the back room, barking on the phone to someone about his luxury sports car when he wasn't giving me the sexy eye. His wife (or girlfriend) kept calling for help from this beleagured pregnant assistant who shuffled up every time she whined her name. A tattoed surfer guy also came in to do his thing. Once everyone had left, he cranked up the music (and perhaps did some smoking out back with his friend).

I had to cancel my Friday night plans due to exhaustion. Tomorrow I'm getting up early to babysit for a French woman who lives a couple of doors down from me. We met at my last temp job.

I did get confirmed as a library sub today, but I have to get a medical exam before they can use me. I'm actually excited about this as it's a free checkup. I also received a letter asking me to interview for some more library positions. Yep, the library looks better and better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm happy to hear the library came through for you!