Monday, July 16, 2007


I wrote a friend over the weekend that I may be clinging emotionally to the escape hatch of Austin because I fear there really is no going back. I'm here and have to make it work.

Although I did some networking and signed up with a couple of new agencies while waiting on the library situation to pan out, I didn't take my job search all that seriously during those three months. Now I'm back on the stick. One of my dates over the weekend used to work for the #1 social networking website (you know the one), and he encouraged me to apply to all the "new media" companies in town, claiming that they are in hiring mode. Since Fox Interactive is right around the corner, I started with them. They do have a lot of jobs listed on their website, but then again, I had no luck trying to temp for them several months ago.

I also called in about my interest in interviewing for some jobs listed on one of my agency websites, only one of which is entertainment related.

My roommate D. is getting a bit panicky about finding work herself. She's applying for both acting jobs as well as rent-paying gigs. She actually gets responses from the Craigslist ads she applies to, which I find amazing and humbling. Not to paint too risque a picture, but we are both basically sitting around, scantily clad (due to the heat), typing furiously away at out laptops as we apply for jobs.

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