Thursday, May 24, 2007

Or Maybe Not

After my interview yesterday I found out it was just a "preliminary" screening. In three weeks I'll find out if I made it onto a list of contenders that is active for six months. If an appropriate librarian position materializes within those six months, I will then be called in for an interview for that position.

I have gone from feeling like I have a pretty good shot at a position to assuming it is unlikely to happen and I need to move on to another plan.

I'm still taking a week or two off to regroup and then I'll go from there. Back to trying to get into the entertainment industry, I guess. The personal assistant thing is seeming appealing again. I have now met two people who are friends with people who were assistants to John Cusack. What are the chances, I ask you.

I'm coming to terms with the possibility of losing a large chunk of my life savings on this whole L.A. endeavor.

One more day at my current gig. Another possible replacement showed up today and I'm now training her (she's the third). She's just out of college and seems very bright. She really wants to do set design. She's been in L.A. a few months longer than I have but her experience in the job market here has been almost identical. She was temping for a while but kept getting sent to Santa Monica until she finally put her foot down and said she wouldn't do the commute anymore. She is equally dismayed at the pay rates. She finally decided to take something permanent because of the "stress" of taking short-term temp jobs, and now she is taking over the job that I am leaving.

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