Friday, May 4, 2007

It's Decided

The hot water wasn't working in my apartment last night so I had to shower at LA Fitness this morning. While I was in the shower, the gym's fire alarm went off. I'm so glad this week is over.

It ended with some good news though (I guess). I found out I have some new tenants for my condo in Austin, and I will be earning more rent this time around. Looks like I won't be returning to Austin anytime soon...

After I found out about the tenants, one of the higher-ups at my job tried to talk me into staying on at the company. I am very susceptible to that kind of thing, but I think I'll be moving on. I'm feeling a little more optimistic about my job possibilities, as I've found out about a couple more entertainment placement agencies, am waiting to see what happens with the library, and am already being courted with new opportunities from one of my current agencies.

I so badly want a couple of weeks off though. I bought some guidebooks tonight on Los Angeles and environs and I realized I have barely scratched the surface!

1 comment:

Michael said...

You traded Austin for LA? The land of the freaks?Ah youll go back and lounge around lake travis and forget all about the bad nasties in LA.Good luck I used to live there long ago and wouldnt go back for love nor money.