Sunday, April 1, 2007

Readings in the Film Capital

In an effort to attend at least one interesting L.A. happening this week, I went to Book Soup on
Sunset tonight for a presentation by the author/ photographer of the book "Punk Love." Henry Rollins assisted the author in presenting the book and photos from the early days of the punk rock movement in Washington, D.C. As in Austin, readings don't seem to be well-attended here; maybe twenty people showed up. The author did mention that she attended SXSW this year.

I took very similar black and white photos of a band and their audience in Fort Worth back in 1994, but since none of those people became famous, I will not be coming out with a book.

While at Book Soup, I bought a copy of "The Royal Nonesuch," a memoir by Glasgow Phillips detailing his misadventures in the entertainment industry in L.A. The book begins with him living in Austin, circa 1997, before deciding to make the move west. I wanted to go to his reading earlier this week, but alas, the j-o-b got in the way.

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