Saturday, April 7, 2007

My First Movie

"The TV Set" is the first movie I've seen in a theater since moving to L.A.
A little embarrassing to admit, considering I want to work in the entertainment industry. But then, there's never much worth seeing.

"The TV Set," however, was very funny, although excruciatingly so, as I related to the David Duchovny character a little too much, and Sigourney Weaver was channeling people from my past.

At one point in the film, the main character jokes that if he sells out, they can send the kids to Crossroads. Those following my temping adventures might be able to piece together the resonance of that joke for me.

At another point, a British character tells her husband that she is taking the kid and going back to England, saying something to the effect of, "We don't belong here, Richard. This is a terrible, terrible place." That got a big laugh from the audience!

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