Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Beleagured Temp

Exhausting day yesterday. Filled out all the applications and tests at the entertainment placement agency and while doing so my cell phone kept ringing with other possible temp assignments and job interviews. Finally I was asked to step outside in the hallway to take the calls.

After looking over my resume I was told by the entertainment agency that I had no applicable experience and that asking for a minimum annual salary in the mid-thirties (and I had swallowed my pride writing that down) was an outrageous expectation for the entertainment industry. Yet in the same breath they found a position at a Big Important Talent Agency and called them extolling my virtues.

Afterwards I had to hustle down to Santa Monica for an afternoon temp job at an investment company. I was the receptionist, and it was one of those stressful positions where I felt the roof would cave in if I dropped someone's call. Then I had another dinner date.

I was absolutely beat by the time I got home. I was told I would need a suit for the interview with the talent agency (if it happens), and I need one for another interview this week anyway, so I planned to go suit shopping today. Woke up this morning with a headache and an agency calling me with a one-day job. I told them I couldn't do it and they definitely sounded disappointed.

This is getting difficult.


Anonymous said...

Gosh--having to be asked to take your cell phone conversation LA---man how far you have come...!

Julia said...

This sounds like my old substitute teacher days! Hey! What about being a substitute teacher?! You could have three day weekends all the time! There MUST be some schools close to your apartment. Just an idea.