Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Things I've Learned Thus Far

It looks like I'm going to be finishing out this three-week temp job. No early reprieve. I'm taking next week off and spending at least one full weekday in Malibu!

Things I've learned thus far:
1) Applying to job ads is a complete waste of time. I'm done.
2) Temping might be a viable job search strategy.
3) You can earn major kudos as a temp simply by showing up and breathing.
4) The anonymity of L.A. suits me at this point in my life.
5) Having friendships in L.A. does not feel that different than having long-distance friendships in other states, since the L.A. friendships are spread so far and wide.
6) Men my age have no interest in dating women my age.
7) Short-term temp jobs (as in, one week or less) are preferable.
8) It is possible to suffer from "novelty fatigue."


David C. Fox said...

there should be a "Most" at the very begining of #6. don't live a story that leaves out possibility. courage! :)

David C. Fox said...

i had a temp job once where i singlehandedly [actually i used both of 'em] unloaded a boxcar of fiberglass insulation. why did i go back the second day? much have been rent time. i was in misery for several days following.

Elizabeth A. said...

I think women are requested for 90% of office temp jobs, leaving men to do the hard labor. Personally, I would like to do some heavy lifting, but perhaps not with fiberglass.

Anonymous said...

i miss anonymity sometimes. it doesn't exist in austin, even when you think you're safe.