Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm Not With the Band (Business)

Out of the blue today I was offered an "open-ended" position as an assistant at a major record label in Burbank. It starts tomorrow, natch, and pays $15 an hour. It certainly had its appeal, but I couldn't stomach the idea of alienating a library system, a library placement agency, and a neighbor I'm doing a short-term job for, all so that I could accept a position sight unseen. I asked the agency offering me the opportunity about the personal assistant job I was waiting on and was told that they placed a temp in it. I guess the adventurous life of a personal assistant is not meant to happen for me:

If you can swing a year or two of working in LA for 27-35k, it does seem that there are cool Industry jobs to be had. Like I wrote before, I could have accepted a pay cut, but the timing and the job and the commute had to be right, and I never seemed to have all those factors in my favor! I was recently offered a $25 an hour temp job (my best rate yet) for a two-week assistant gig at a large video game company in Santa Monica, but it was two weeks that I couldn't do because of prior commitments.

A friend from Austin left me a message yesterday asking about finding roommates on Craigslist, and it reminded me of how precarious my move out here was, and how I just made it by the fingernail of my pinky. I'm ready for that precariousness to end...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry things are not going more smoothly for you.

As you know, I also wanted to move out there and possibly work for the public library until I found a job in a business library or even a permanent office job with a decent salary, but I'm basing my future partly on what happens to you there. I hope something comes through for you before you decide to leave.